2008년 4월 14일 월요일

Running out of time

Running Out of Time

Magaret Peterson Haddix


Main conflict- Jessie is living in the early 1800s, and the childeren are starting to get ill. Her mom, who is

Double Identity

Double Identity

Magaret Peterson Haddix


Main Conflict- As Benathy turns 13, her mother is always crying whenever she sees Benathy. One day, her parents leave her with her hidden aunt Myrile. Benathy misses her parents and ia feeling wierd, because some people that see her react like they had seen a ghost.

Best Part- I like the part when Benathy gets to know that she had a older sister Elizabeth, who died 13 years ago. Her parents were in greif so they made another four Elizabeths by using her cells, but only one survived. Apparently, that was Benathy.

2008년 3월 31일 월요일

The Face on the Milk Carton

The Face on the Milk Carton

Caroline B. Cooney

184 pg


Main Conflict- Janie, a ordinary student sees the younger herself on the side of a milk carton. It says that her real name is Jennie Spring and she was kidnapped in a shopping mall of New Jersy. She now even gets these "daymares" of a big white apron, spilled milk, and someone haking her away. She gets worried if her parents are really criminals...

Best Part- I like the part when Janie finally asks her parents and finds out that they are her grandparents, not her parents. They had a daughter named Hannah, but she went into the cult and abandoned her parents. One day, Hannah suddenly came back with her little daughter, but left to the cult again. Later, Janie finds out that Hannah had kidnapped her from the Spring famliy, where she belongs.

2008년 1월 19일 토요일

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

by J.K Rowling


primary conflict: Harry's mom and dad is killed, so harry lives with his mean uncle, aunt and cousin Dudley.

best part: My best part is when harry finds out that he is a wizard and has to go to Hogwarts, a magic school. He goes there and meets many friens, like Hagrid, Ron and Hermione. Also, he fights Voldemort, (protecting the philosopher's stone from him) an evil wizard who killed his parents when he was a baby.

2008년 1월 17일 목요일

Vicky Angel

Vicky Angel

By : Jaqueline Wilson


Primary Conflict:Jade's best friend, Vicky is very popular. She has many other friends than Jade, and everybody wants to be her friend, but Vicky only likes Jade. One day, Jade accidently pushes Vicky into the road, causing Vicky get hit by a car. Vicky dies, and Jade becomes alone.

Best Part: I like the part when Vicky became a ghost and tryed to control Jade. For exampe, Vicky wants Jade not to make any other friends because they are(were) best friends. Jade slowly gets tired of it, and starts to hate Vicky.

The Twits

The Twits

Author: Roald Dahl


Primary Conflict: Mr and Mrs Twits are abusing the Mugglewump monkey family by making them stand on their heads 6 hours a day.

Best Part: I like the part when Mugglewump applys superglue on the ceiling of the Twits's house and sticks everything on the ceiling. the Twits think that they are standing upside-down, so they stand on their heads with superglue on it (by the Mugglewump family too).

The Best of Pippi Longstocking

The Best of Pippi Longstocking

Author : Astrid Lindrgen


Primary Conflict: Pippi's dad, king of the cannibals has come to take Pippi to his island. Pippi is so happy, but Tommy and Annika are very sad that they are going to loose their friend Pippi.

Best Part: I like the part when Tommy and Annika had asked their mom to go to the cannibal island with Pippi and visited the cannibal island and fight the thieves, Jim and Buck. They had tryed to steal Pippi's pearls.